Dude, it’s totally a thing. I know. I had no idea either.
At the beginning of the month Kim came over and we made pickled beets. Yesterday we made banana pistachio jam.
I the recipe in Jody Vassallo’s Preserving Basics, which, I admit, I initially bought for the pretty pictures of food.
It’s a part of the My Cooking Class series, which shows photos of all ingredients, tools, and steps in the process. It’s pretty awesome.
The only modification we made was to use sliced pistachios rather than chopped. They’re a little more expensive, but it looks incredible.
In fact, we couldn’t wait. We made biscuits and nommed nearly a jar’s worth of jam while the rest were taking their turn in the water bath.
I want to try adding vanilla beans. The warm flavour of vanilla seems like it would go well with the sweetness of the bananas Next time. As is, it’s already one of the tastiest jam recipes I’ve tried.