April is Poetry Month, rejoice! Read poetry! Read about poets! Go to poetry readings! Write poetry! It’s all good stuff.
Maybe get some Canadiana in there? Though Canadians no longer seem to know who they read. Which is troubling.
There’s always the Griffin Poetry Prize shortlist, which recently announced, both Canadian and international. Congrats to all!
Test how poetically informed you are.
But first, David McGimpsey helpfully dispels a 10 myths about poets. (My BFF says it’s true about the dedications and awkward hugs.)
More linkage:
- Sina Queyras interviews Susan Goyette and Susan Gillis – three great poets in conversation, what more could you ask for?
- Geek Feminism offers free classifieds to geeky endeavours seeking to hire women, find female speakers, or interest like-minded women to join an open source project.
- Josh Corman and Jodi Chromey discuss why men don’t read books by or about women.
- Should writers rewrite their books after they’ve been published? I’m of mixed opinion about this, mostly leaning towards “no.”
- On average, Ontario women are still only earning 72 cents for ever dollar men make.
- A solid analysis of some of the problems with Dove’s “Real Beauty Sketches” campaign.
- Facebook’s misogyny problem.
- On the plus side, the Girls Scouts have introduced a badge for game design. Awesome.
This list would have been longer, but Firefox crashed and took my 50 open tabs with it. Sigh.
Next week, my dears.