With National Poetry Month winding down to a close, I thought I’d do another round up of poetry news and miscellanea.
- Wedding season is near upon us – further evidenced by the upcoming nuptials of my sister this June – and Carol Ann Duffy offers a collection of poems frequently found at weddings.
- Stephen K. Tollefson writes about memorizing poetry – at the gym, of all places.
- Earlier I mentioned the launch of Canada Reads Poetry, and a collection has been selected, forage, by Rita Wong. For more on the other titles, see the round up here.
- And finally, poet George Murray, also of Bookninja fame, is launching a new online magazine, NewPoetry. The manifesto looks great, and the first call for submissions has recently been posted. Keep an eye on this one.
I read a lot, and though I wasn’t consciously reading more poetry over other forms, I manged to read quite a few collections this month:
- Patternicity, by Jim Johnstone
- Contrary, by Ruth Roach Pierson
- The Nights Also, by Anna Swanson
- Sunday, the locusts, by Jim Johnstone
- Predicting the Next Big Advertising Breakthrough Using a Potentially Dangerous Method, by Daniel Scott Tysdal
- The Burning Alphabet, by Barry Dempster
- Little Venus, by Carla Drysdale
Each of them excellent in their own way.
What are you reading?