Two garden posts in two days – I know, I know! But I finally got the last of the backyard plants for this season and I couldn’t wait to show them off.
Plus, I just noticed the strawberries are already starting. There’s more than a dozen visible on this plant already, and there are tons more flowers. I’m very excited.
Yesterday I mentioned the iffy basil, pictured above, so I bought some new basil (below).
Tomatoes, then a row of basil, then a row of marigolds. Along the side are two more chili plants, and a jalapeño.
I finally bought a climbing frame for the snap peas. The plant seemed quite delicate, and it was a bit of a challenge to try to remove the climbing tendrils from other nearby plants. I hope I was gentle enough.
I also added a tiny rosemary plant, you can see it in the middle there. I probably could have squeezed another herb in there, but after overcrowding last year, I’m trying to give my plants more breathing room this year. So far so good, I think.
Our new rain barrel – already full with all the rain we’ve been getting this week. At the top, just planted today, the only purely ornamental flowers in my garden.
And that’s that’s it for planting in the backyard. Now, it will be a matter of watering and weeding, and trying to manage pests. I’ve already found a few slugs in my spinach, the little buggers.