
Bookish linkage and the Toronto Literary Salon

Ok, I’ve been linking to a lot of book-related stuff on Twitter, and rather than send a dozen tweets of linkage, why not consolidate the best into a single blog post? Why not, indeed. Here we go: ‘I just adore Dostoevsky…’ Books to impress the babes, – Seriously, people still say “babes”? And they don’t get […]

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An Evening with Toronto’s Boyfriend, Neil Gaiman

I’d originally meant to post this write-up after the event itself, but got rather busy, so here’s the truncated version. Luminato is a new arts festival in Toronto; this is its second year. Neil Gaiman headlined the literary program with an interview, reading, Q&A and, of course, a lengthy signing. Tickets were cheap (only $15) and when

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Birthday Celebrations 2009

Birthdays as a kid were easy: summer birthday summer + grandparents pool = pool parties. Messes of other kids, swimming, playing Shark and Marco Polo, a barbeque, running around like lunatics, cake, and presents. So easy. As an adult, things somehow got more complicated, and they turned out to be less fun. ((Indeed, every other day the

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In other news…May reads

I’ve finished updating my books read list for May. When I first posted about the list, my sister mocked me under the absurd impression that she reads more than I do. So she began to keep track, and in April we held a contest, which I won. By a lot. In May, she tried again, and lost

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Scott Pilgrim

Scott Pilgrim, written by Bryan Lee O’Malley, is pretty much Awesome Incarnate. Scott Pilgrim was recently optioned by Universal, and will star Michael Cera, ((How does this kid not have his own website yet?)) who, upon re-reading book 1, should be damn-near perfect as Scott. The film version of Scott Pilgrim Versus the World will hit theatres

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