Broken Pencil 57 is the prison issue, with stories on artists who have been arrested for their art, the inside story on zine publishing behind bars from Ashleigh Gaul. Natalie Zina Walschots has a great profile on BookThug’s DIY punk roots – I had no idea.
In the latest issue I’ve got a few reviews: a fiction review, Attemptations by Kim Clark, and three poetry reviews, The Crystal Palace by Carey Toane, A Dark Boat by Patrick Friesen, and Kerosene, by Jamella Hagen.
As always, there’s also a ton of great zine, comic and artzine, litzine and chapbook, fiction, non-fiction, graphic novel and poetry reviews from a plethora of writers.
In the coming days, samples and excerpts are likely to appear on Broken Pencil‘s website. Check it out.