I couldn’t even tell you how many things I’ve bought off the Internet because someone I don’t know, but think is cool, told me to. But I know that it’s not a small number.
So, when Emily Horne, the photographer behind one of my favourite online comics A Softer World, told the Internet to buy Mike Saturday Lekcy’s BruceSpringstzine, of course, I did. And I’m so glad, because it’s awesome.
Lecky is the man behind the Vancouver-based Loose Teeth Press, and Bruce Springstzine No. 1 Weekend in the Void chronicles his experience at Toronto’s 2008 Canzine festival with Joey Comeau and Ms Horne. The whole thing has a sort of Thompsonesque feel, with delightfully drunken self-depreciating prose.
I’m out on the street with vague directions to head left until I see a subway station. If I hurry I can still make the last train to the end of the line, catch the bus from there to the airport. I do the sort of half-walk-half-jog Terry Fox Shuffle of the too drunk and do little pirouettes to avoid telephone poles and buildings…
The ‘zine is tiny, unpaginated, poorly photocopied and awkwardly held together by a single stapleĀ – in short, it’s absolutely perfect.
I may not be as cool as Ms Horne, but I heartily encourage you to purchase it. It’s 4.95$US, postage included. You can’t go wrong.