I resigned from my position at the bank several weeks ago, Friday was officially my last day. Today was to be my first day getting to work as a properly self-employed person. I’m still working out what that means.
For me, today, it meant calling in sick.
I thought it a smart move to use what benefits I had while I could, and had my wisdom teeth removed on Thursday, which turned out to be a much bigger deal. I don’t know what I expected, but I kinda thought I’d be up and about in a day or so. It seemed so straightforward. Routine surgery, right?
Sure, my dentist proscribed me a small pharmacy’s worth of medication, and I understood that the antibiotics should be continued until complete, but the instructions said I should take the pain medication “if needed”. All things considered I’d felt great the past few days. Pain? Pfft. A trifle.
Turns out the reason I’d been feeling so great is because I’ve been taking Tylenol 3, not because I’ve recovered wonderfully. I’m fine, and things are going as they should, but I’m not better. Yet.
I took my antibiotics in the morning, but didn’t bother with anything else. The pain, by noon, was in fact blinding, and I was forced to take pain medication and have a nap. So, that was a bit of a setback.
I did a little self-editing in the morning and started a review, but it seems I’m going to need more recovery time before I can begin in earnest.
It feels like I’ve been waiting forever for this, but it seems worth waiting a few extra days until I know I can properly function as a human being before berating myself for not GTD.
My first day as my own boss and I had to call in sick. At least I know I wasn’t faking it.