book riot

The death of literature (yes, again…), poetic dendrophiliacs, and other bookish stuff

Though it can seem like it sometimes, the world’s not all bad. Apparently whales are learning to speak human, or at least trying, and that’s pretty awesome. Maybe once they get the hang of it they can advise us how to live better. Canadian publishing is about to get smaller with Douglas & McIntyre filing for bankruptcy […]

The death of literature (yes, again…), poetic dendrophiliacs, and other bookish stuff Read more »

Holden and the Phonies opening at some stupid place and other items of note

Last week I shared a link to a new organization called Canadian Women in the Literary Arts, which I joined, and you may want to consider joining as well, female, male or other – it’s important for all of us. The Vancouver Sun has a great write up, check it out here. Also see this write up

Holden and the Phonies opening at some stupid place and other items of note Read more »

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