cordelia strube

Four reviews in Broken Pencil 58

Another great issue of Broken Pencil, of course. Especially the feature on the rise of books about punk rock. For so long no one felt they were marketable, now we have an explosion of them, and it’s wonderful. In this issue I reviewed Mark Hazelbower’s You Can’t Get There from Here, ((The image above my review of You

Four reviews in Broken Pencil 58 Read more »

Shelf Life: November 2012

Lots of review stuff this month. I’m going to leave it very short, as I’m very behind. 143. The Grotesque in Art and Literature, by Wolfgang Johannes Kayser (McGraw-Hill, 1963) A collection of essays discussing the origins and evolution of the grotesque in art and literature. It was dry, and I felt left out – I hadn’t

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Shelf Life: October 2012

I have an absurd number of books on my to-read shelf. These are books that I’ve bought, and physically have on my shelves, waiting to be read. I don’t know how I’m ever going to catch up, especially with all the neat books that have come out this fall, and the classics I have yet to read.

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