Monday. Bunny was home all day by herself, shut in my office.
When I returned home and opened my office door the cats rushed in, as they hate shut doors.
Jude must have been lonely, because she seemed to perk up when I opened her cage to pet her.
The cats sniffed the cage warily, but Jude seemed indifferent to their attitude, and rather more pleased to have some company.
The room stank, of course.I opened the window, and when Drew returned from karate I cleaned the cage.
Bootsy helped keep Jude in her place.
After they sniffed each other nose to nose, Bootsy decided she didn’t want Jude to actually touch her, so fended her off with a paw when Jude tried to get closer.
She didn’t actually make contact, it was more of a dainty wave than a threat.
Still, it’ll be interesting to see what Jordan makes of this picture. Perhaps I should text him. With heartfelt apologies. Then avoid returning his calls.
Merlyn , characteristically, cowered behind the door the entire time. He’s reluctant to enter the room without Bootsy or I as protection.
I still can’t get over the fact that a sleeping bunny can terrify him.
Jude’s still not interested in taking her run of the place, though I continue to leave the cage door open while I’m in the room. She sometimes peeks her head out if I’m sitting by the door, but I think that’s for pets, not because she’s contemplating exercise.
Rabbits: cute, but dull.
Oranges: cute, but dumb.
Five more days…